[Windows 10] 윈도우 10 예약 (자동) 종료 명령어 #shutdown

Windows 10 


윈도우에서 파일을 다운로드 받을때, 영화를 볼때, PC에서 자리를 비울때 등 PC 예약 종료를 필요로 할 때가 있습니다. 예약 종료 프로그램을 다운로드하고 설치해서 PC 예약 종료를 할 수 있습니다만, 윈도우 shutdown 명령어를 이용하면 다운로드와 설치하지않아도 PC 예약 종료를 할 수 있습니다.








Displays the Remote Shutdown box. The /i option must be the first parameter following the command. If /i is specified, all other options are ignored.


Logs off the current user immediately, with no time-out period. You cannot use /l with /m or /t.


Shuts down the computer.


Shuts down the computer. On the next boot, if Automatic Restart Sign-On is enabled, the device automatically signs in and locks based on the last interactive user. After sign in, it restarts any registered applications.


Restarts the computer after shutdown.


Shuts down the computer. On the next restart, if Automatic Restart Sign-On is enabled, the device automatically signs in and locks based on the last interactive user. After sign in, it restarts any registered applications.


Aborts a system shutdown. Effective only during the time-out period. To use /a, you must also use the /m option.


Turns off the local computer only (not a remote computer)—with no time-out period or warning. You can use /p only with /d or /f. If your computer doesn't support power-off functionality, it will shut down when you use /p, but the power to the computer will remain on.


Puts the local computer into hibernation, if hibernation is enabled. You can use /h only with /f.


Shuts down the device and prepares it for fast startup. This option must be used with the /s option.


Combining this option with a shutdown option causes the next restart to go to the firmware user interface.


Enables you to document the reason for the unexpected shutdown on the target computer.


Goes to the Advanced boot options menu and restarts the device. This option must be used with the /r option.


Forces running applications to close without warning users.

Caution: Using the /f option might result in loss of unsaved data.

/m \\<computername>

Specifies the target computer. Can't be used with the /l option.

/t <xxx>

Sets the time-out period before shutdown to xxx seconds. The valid range is 0-315360000 (10 years), with a default of 30. If the timeout period is greater than 0, the /f parameter is implied.

/d [p | u:]<XX>:<YY>

Lists the reason for the system restart or shutdown. The supported parameter values are:

p - Indicates that the restart or shutdown is planned.

u - Indicates that the reason is user-defined.NOTE
If p or u aren't specified, the restart or shutdown is unplanned.

xx - Specifies the major reason number (a positive integer, less than 256).

yy Specifies the minor reason number (a positive integer, less than 65536).

/c <comment>

Enables you to comment in detail about the reason for the shutdown. You must first provide a reason by using the /d option and you must enclose your comments in quotation marks. You can use a maximum of 511 characters.


Displays help at the command prompt, including a list of the major and minor reasons that are defined on your local computer.





■ Windows 예약 종료 명령어 shutdown -s -t xxxx

Windows 10

윈도우 10 바탕화면에서 시작 오른쪽 마우스 클릭하고 실행을 클릭합니다. 아니면 KEYBOARD <Windows KEY> + <R>







Windows 10 실행







Windows 실행

  1. 실행
  2. 열기(O) : shutdown -s -t 3600 입력
  3. 확인 <Click>
  • 1800 = 30분 
  • 3600 = 60분
  • 5400 = 90분







Windows 로그온 미리 알림

shutdown -s -t 3600 입력하고 바탕화면 오른쪽 하단에서 알림창을 확인할 수 있습니다.

로그오프하려고 합니다. 60분 후에 Windows가 종료됩니다.






■ Windows 예약 종료 취소 명령어 shutdown -a


Windows 실행

  1. 실행
  2. 열기(O) : shutdown -a
  3. 확인 <Click>






Windows 로그온 미리 알림

shutdown -a 입력하고 바탕화면 오른쪽 하단에서 알림창을 확인할 수 있습니다.

로그오프가 취소되었습니다. 예약된 시스템 종료가 취소되었습니다.






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